Meet the Team: Katie McCoid

Meet the Team: Katie McCoid

Katie is the newest member of our sales team. Based in our Hessle office, Katie puts her friendly nature to good use picking up the phone to discuss the IT support needs of the businesses in Hull and the surrounding areas.

But what does she get up to in her spare time…

What do you like the most about being a part of the Jupiter IT team?

I love that everyone is so friendly and made me feel so welcome when I joined in January. Everyone has everyone’s back and there’s never any negativity in the office.

My desk is also near the kitchen so I’m always asked if I want a cuppa whenever anyone is making one

Why do you think clients should work with Jupiter IT?

Because we’re a close-knit team that puts the client’s needs first and always finds the right solution that suits them.

What gets you out of bed each morning?

Always my toddler and baby that want feeding!

What’s your favourite holiday destination?

Always Florida or I love Greece – anywhere in the sun will do it for me.

What’s your favourite movie?

I can’t say I have an all-time favourite but I love a good thriller. I’ll also watch every Christmas film you can think of in the run-up to Christmas.

Tell us about something not many people know about you

Sorry, I’m boring. Other than I like to play Piano and was the fastest 100-meter runner for the East Yorkshire under 14s back in the day.

What’s your pet peeve?

Bad Drivers, people who are late, a know-it-all, dirty pots left out, chalk, lights left on, the bin bag splitting when you empty it, people who misspell your name when it’s in the email… The list could be endless!

If you could be any animal, which would you be?

A dog. Because most of them are loyal and friendly  Not a chihuahua though not a fan of them.

What’s top of your Bucket List?

I think taking our boys on as many holidays as we can before they want to go off on their own. Time goes too fast.

Meet the rest of the Jupiter Team

We have a great team here at Jupiter IT, one we are immensely proud of. Learn a little more about each of them here.