5 Questions You Need To Ask Your IT Provider

5 Questions You Need To Ask Your IT Provider

Do you have questions you’d like to ask your IT provider? For many, their daily duties are somewhat of a ‘dark art’ and you can’t help but wonder ‘Is my IT in safe hands?’ 

The answer doesn’t have to remain a mystery and it shouldn’t. By asking the right questions, you can better understand the service you are receiving and the value your IT provider brings. 

Ask your IT provider these key questions to get the most from your IT support 

Where is our IT spend going? 

The answer to this question is not as obvious as you’d think. There’s the support service charge. But also the costs associated with software licensing and hardware servicing.  

It’s important to check your IT support has an up-to-date list of users and a robust auditing system in place. Without this level of housekeeping, you could end up paying for users who are no longer in your organisation. 

How can we optimise our technology? 

Is your IT provider proactive in making your tech work for your business? Have they assessed the suitability of cloud migration for your business? What upgrades do you need? 

Old tech can cost money and jeopardise your security. By investing in your tech you can improve productivity, tighten your cyber security, and beat the competition. 

What does our data backup and disaster recovery plan look like? 

Efficient recovery of your business data after a disaster is imperative to the survival of your business. Your IT support should be able to give you a good understanding of the backup solution your business has in place, onsite or cloud-based, and evidence of a robust disaster recovery plan

What measures are in place to maximise our cyber security? 

With cyber crime growing in sophistication and new threats arising every day, it’s important you understand how secure your network is. It’s not unreasonable to request regular reporting from your IT provider of deflected breach attempts. If these are regular, it’s a clear sign there’s a vulnerability on the verge of exploitation. 

Ideally, you should complete the Cyber Essentials assessment for your business with a view to gaining certification. Your IT provider should be happy to help you with this and once achieved, you will have peace of mind that your business meets the national standard of cyber security

What proactive measures do you take? 

Is your IT provider waiting for your service desk ticket to come in or busy in the background preventing issues from arising?  

Partnering with a proactive IT provider brings many benefits including patch management for improved security, reduced downtime, and efficient operating systems. 

We’re More Than Your IT Support – We’re Your IT Department 

To add real value, your IT provider should support your IT and your business. If they don’t, you could be in a partnership that’s holding your business back. 

“Our previous provider was taking days to resolve issues. Moving to Jupiter IT was painless and we have seen a massive improvement in service, which in turn has improved the service we deliver”
 – Allenby Commercial 

We make switching IT provider easy; we handle all the communication with your current provider and ensure a seamless transition. 

If you’d like to learn more about our proactive IT support contracts, give us a call; we’ll give you a free audit of your systems and a rundown on how we can make your IT better.