5 Key Benefits of Cyber Essentials You Never Knew About

5 Key Benefits of Cyber Essentials You Never Knew About

The benefits of Cyber Essentials seem pretty obvious, but they’re probably more extensive than you might think.

Established by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills back in 2014, the Cyber Essentials scheme was launched to help businesses effectively protect themselves from cyber threats. Whether you apply for the accreditation alone or seek guidance from cyber security specialists, the scheme encourages learning and understanding of best practices for the highest level of cyber security.

So, other than improving your cyber security, what are the other benefits of Cyber Essentials?

The benefits of Cyber Essentials you never knew about.

Rise above the competition

In a competitive business world, standing out in the crowd is tough. By carrying the Cyber Essentials certification and placing that badge alongside your brand, you demonstrate your commitment to cyber security. For some larger companies and government organisations, it’s a standard supplier requirement and could be the extra point you need to be that winning tender.

Demonstrate responsibility

An unseen benefit of the Cyber Essentials certification is the impact it can have on your business reputation. It shows acknowledgement that you are responsible for not just your data but also the data of your customers, clients and suppliers. This can encourage customer loyalty and help attract new business.

Saving money

Becoming fully Cyber Essentials compliant can help a business avoid 80% of the most common cyber security risks, including malware and phishing attacks. Last year, the cost of a cyber attack was as high as £10,000 to £49,000 for 23% of victims – that’s a lot of money at stake right there!

It is estimated that 39% of the cost of a cyber attack comes at least a year after the event.

Free cyber insurance

Probably the least known benefit of Cyber Essentials is that many insurance companies will offer free cyber liability insurance up to the value of £25,000 to accredited businesses. Aside from this, the Cyber Essentials certification is accepted as tangible proof you have taken the appropriate steps to protect your business in line with the NIST Cyber Security Framework. Without proof like this, getting insured could be a challenge.

Safer hybrid working

The layered security models we’re used to focus on protecting the primary workplace only. They are no longer robust enough to secure a mobile workforce fully. The Cyber Essentials 5 key controls consider hybrid working, with measures including zero trust security and third-party devices addressed to protect those accessing networks remotely.

Jupiter IT Can Help

We are committed to helping businesses tighten cyber security to the point of perfection. We are proud to hold the Cyber Essential Plus Certification. As experts in this standard, we can help you through the application process to achieve the Cyber Essential Accreditation too.

To find out more, get in touch – we’re here to share our expertise with you.